The Gould Piano Trio returned to Cardiff for another stellar chamber concert at Cardiff University’s School of Music… Written for solo violin and cello, [Robert Fokkens’ Tracing Lines] is an often intriguing work inspired (Fokkens informs us) by Xhosa bow music from his native South Africa. The first movement would imply a simple structure, but further on would prove otherwise in often harsh and virtuosic playing from Lucy Gould, with accompany drones from cellist Richard Lester. This was the surprise piece of the night, with an exotic feel and often noteworthy executions from both players.
Nothing can ever really prepare you to hear the music of Olivier Messiaen live. Here, in his Quartet for the End of Time (written in a PoW camp in WWII) lies a powerful work of chamber music, the likes of which has been rarely seen since… The fury expressed at times from the four musicians is hair-raising and the subtle moments as well, are a tonic to the juxtaposing aggressions.
“They say the cello weeps, here its blubbers, with Lester relishing each agonising note, as Benjamin Frith on piano plays perfect companion chords, also brilliant throughout. The clarinet part ‘Abîme des oiseaux’ is another solo of humongous proportions, masterfully tackled by Robert Plane.”
I’ve spoken before about his super human breath control, as extended notes ring out for an eternity, with chattering bird song following straight after. Gould’s concluding solo ‘Louange à l’Immortalité de Jesus’ is similar to the cello spotlight, but still brims with light and hope, with a smattering of misery. The rhythmic vitality when all are playing is often another telling marker that defines the piece, such is Messiaen’s bravado and sensuality.
Gould Piano Trio
Robert Plane (clarinet)
Cardiff University Concert Hall
26th February 2019
Huw Watkins Four Fables
Robert Fokkens Tracing Lines
Messiaen Quartet for the End of Time