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Tung Auditorium: Liverpool
27 May 2022 | 7:30 pm

Solem Quartet
Premiere of Beethoven Bartók Now: Pioneers
Beethoven Bartók Now, is an ambitious series bringing together the late quartets of Beethoven and the quartets of Bartók, uniquely reimagined with music from composers of today.
In a one-hour playlist-form concert, ‘BBN: Pioneers’ features Bartók’s achingly beautiful 1st Quartet, Beethoven’s most exploratory and inventive work in the genre, opus 131, and a new work by David John Roche: “a wild, blistering experience – bold, exciting, relentlessly powerful music!”. Preceded by a 20-minute “Unpacking BBN live” presentation.
Bartók String Quartet no. 1, BB 52
Beethoven Quartet no. 14 in C sharp minor, op. 131
Roche A Prayer at the Edge of Silence